YMCA of Greater Houston
The project featured 200+ custom pages, a dynamic locations search function, and a membership plugin. In 2022 we won an Anthem Webby Award for our work on the website.
My Role: Design and development of subpages and ACF-based locations pages.
Tools Used: WordPress, Advanced Custom Fields, FacetWP.
Project Summary
YGH is looking to change the way their community views membership at the Y from transactional to transformational. Transitioning from templated to fully custom, the new YGH website is unlike anything that has been created previously for the Y movement.
Collaborating with multiple partners, the upgraded digital experience has made a significant impact on organizational operations and the ability to promote their mission to YMCAs across the globe.
The YGH website was developed to support the organization’s primary purpose of creating change in communities through impact.
Allowing users to explore powerful initiatives such as Impact Membership, with accessibility options, members are now directly connected with their community.
With 2 custom-developed membership experiences, over 200 custom-designed pages, and website accessibility functionality, YGH has experienced a 70% increase in online membership joins, 109% increase in online program registration, and a 150% Increase in online membership renewals.